Creating A List

There are two simple list that you can create - an ordered list and an unordered list.

By default the order list will display a number next to each item in the list and an unordered list will display bullets next to each item.

To do an ordered list of items, start with the tag, <ol> or if you want to do an unordered list, then you would start with the tag, <ul>.

After that, you use the list tag, <li>. Type in whatever you want to be displayed first in the list and close it with </li>. Repeat this step as many times for as many items that you want to be displayed in your list.

When you are finished making your list, you close with the tag, </ol> or </ul>.

For example an ordered list of five items would look like:


<li> The first item in the list </li>
<li> The second item in the list </li>
<li>The third item in the list </li>
<li>The fourth item in the list </li>
<li>The fifth item in the list </li>


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