Before You Begin

Learning how to be proficient at making web pages using HTML isn't something that is difficult. It simply takes some practice and after a making your first few web pages you'll soon realize that this stuff is all too easy.

What we will be learning is known as XHTML which stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language. It is essentially the same thing as HTML, but much more refined and is the more widely used standard out of the two. To get you accustomed to using XHTML in combination with CSS (no need to worry about what CSS is right now, we'll get into details about it later on), we'll start off with some of the most commonly used codes in HTML.

What Software Do You Need ?

What software do you need in order to start making your very own website ?
The answer is, not much. All you need is a simple text editor such as notepad. There are however some free HTML editors out there and these editors will color code your HTML for you and make everything organized and easy for you to read. If you want to, you can download and install the free HTML editor called, HTML-Kit.

If you choose to use just a standard text editor, then you'll need to save your text file with either the extension of .htm or .html. However, if you use an HTML editor, then it'll automatically save your file as .html or .htm. It doesn't really matter which extension you save your web page as, but it might be a good idea to save all your work using just one of the two extension so that you can keep things consistent.

Next: Your First Web Page

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