Basic Formatting

Now that you know some of the basics of creating your web page, its time to learn how to make the text on screen look the way that you want it to. Here we'll begin with some of the most basic formatting that you can use to change and alter the way that your text appears in a web browser.

Changing Font Color

To change the font color on your web page, you use the font tag
<font color = "color">. Either change the color attribute to the hexadecimal value of the color you want or you can type in the name of the color (*note: you can only type in the name of the color if it is one of the 16 predefined colors). You close this tag off using </font>. Whatever text is in between this pair of opening and close tag will appear in the color that you specified.

Changing Font Size

There are several ways in which we can change the font size, but perhaps the easiest way to do it is to use the
<big> tag and the <small> tag to get it done. And as always you must type in the closing tag when you're done typing in what you want. The big tag will make the selected text bigger than the surrounding text and likewise the small tag will make the selected text smaller than the surrounding text.

This section of the text will be normal size
<br />

This section of text will be larger than the other section of the text
<br />

This section of the text will be smaller than the other section of the text
<br />


However if you want to be more specific, you can also use the font tag to specify exactly what size you want your text to be.

<font size = "10">

Just fill in the
size attribute with whatever size you want. Close this with the tag </font>

Making Text Bold Or Italic

To make your text bold, you use the bold tag, <b>
. Close using </b>
To make your text italic, you use the
italic tag, <i>
. Close using </i>

Strike Through Your Text

Striking through your text is a good way to let your website visitors know exactly what information you have changed on your web page. To do this you use the delete tag, <del>.
Close using the </del> tag.

Subscripts and Superscripts

A very useful way to show credibility on the information that you show on your web page, is by using either a subscript or a superscript. The main purpose of this is to show the sources of where you got your information.

To make a superscript use the tag, <sup>. Close using </sup>
To make a subscript use the tag, <sub>
. Close using </sub>

Next: Images On Your Web Page

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