Linking Pages Together
When you make your website, you're going to want to have multiple web pages on it and you also want to provide a way for your visitors to access these pages conveniently. You can do this by creating links.
To link to another web page on your website or to another web page on someone else's website, you type in the <a href="URL to a web page">. Then right after this, you would type the text that a person can click on in order to go to the url of the web page. And then after you're done, you close this tag off with </a>.
<a href="URL to a web page">text a person can click on</a>
Adding Links To Images
You can also add a link to images so that when a visitor click on that image, it will take them to another page.
To do this you simply use the image tag in between the opening and closing linking tags as shown above. So it would look something like this:
<a href="URL to a web page">
<img src="URL to location of image that I want" />
So whenever someone clicks on the image, it will take them to the appropriate web page.
Opening Links In A New Window
Sometimes you may want the links to other web pages to be open in a different browser window so that your user can still stay on the page that they are currently viewing.
To open links in a new browser window, you type in the attribute, target="_blank" into the opening tag of the link code shown above. So it should look something like this:
<a href="URL to a web page" target="_blank">text a person can click on</a>
If you want to give the newly opened window a specific name that will be displayed in the title bar of the browser, you type in target="name of new windows". And remember that the name of the new window is case sensitive, so this means that it will appear exactly as you type it here.
Next: Creating Anchor Links